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Spa Academy Askern

Spa Academy Askern

Transition and Open Day

Staff from Spa academy have been visiting both Moss Road and Littlemoor Infant academies and meeting with staff from Campsmount in preparation for transition in September 2024.  Read on for more details on our transition plans and our academy open evening. 

Over the next few weeks staff from Infant, Junior and Secondary academies will be meeting to pass on pupil information, organise classes and meet pupils in order to ensure a smooth transition in September 2024. 

From Tuesday 9th to Thursday 11th July our trust transition week takes place:

  • On Friday 5th July parents will receive an email with details of classes for 2024-25.
  • Year 6 pupils who are moving on to Campsmount Academy are invited to attend for 3 days from Tuesday 9th to Thursday 11th July. Parents will be contacted directly by Campsmount with details of the 3 transition days. Pupils will attend in Spa school uniform and make their own way to and from Campsmount.
  • Year 3,4 & 5 pupils will all participate in transition to their new classes on Tuesday 9th and Thursday 11th July (Wednesday 10th will be a normal school day). Pupils will attend in their normal school uniforms and enter school as they normally should and register at their normal classroom. 
  • Year 2 will all participate in transition to their new Y3 classes on Tuesday 9th and Thursday 11th July (Wednesday 10th will be a normal school day at their current infant school). Pupils will attend in their normal school uniforms. On Tuesday pupils will attend their infant schools as normal and staff will bring them to Spa Academy. On Thursday pupils should be brought straight to Spa Academy at 8.55am (for a 9am start) where their teachers will meet them in the playground. They should be collected by a named adult at 3pm on each day from the playground next to the main school entrance.  Pupils will not be allowed to make their own way home. 
  • Open Day is on Tuesday 9th July from 3pm - See additional details below
  • End of year reports will be emailed to parents on Friday 12th July

On Tuesday 9th July, following our first transition day, we would love to invite all of our current and future pupils and their families to visit us at Spa Academy!  There will be an opportunity to meet the teachers, pastoral team and leaders at Spa Academy as well as sampling some tasty treats from our new school menu.   We will also have resources to help you learn at home over the summer and uniform available in our pre-loved FREE uniform shop!